The Rebirth of Venus
Venus is completing her 8 year cycle in the next 2 days.
I have been reflecting upon the past 8 years of my life and this cycle. A lot has been coming up for me over the past few months relating to healing I began in 2012.
As I have begun to delve ever deeper into the Rose Mysteries and Sisterhood of the Rose Lineage I have had to do some deep soul searching, honouring and releasing.❤️🌹❤️
I have been holding, nurturing and accepting all my exiled parts, and especially working on healing my inner child and her wounds.
Looking at how these wounds have effected every emotional connection and interaction of my life, unpicking the threads to break myself down. The caterpillar, to cocoon, the interim mushy phase, to now where I feel like a butterfly ready, and waiting to take her maiden flight.🦋
Within the past eight years I have sat with indigenous tribes and plant medicine teachers. in ceremony in the Amazon, the Sacred Valley, the Mayan jungle, Merlins land and the Isle of Avalonia.
I have created a business to offer my healing vibration. I have worked within the charity social sector helping many people to be guided to both practical and mental health support to create better lives. When the political structure (Tory government) came in and changed everything it got too overwhelming for this sensitive soul.
I went full time self employed. Created a successful monthly wellbeing day in a community that had little to no awakening. I started a monthly red tent women’s healing circle (which still runs now although not by me).
I offered many cacao ceremonies, workshops and yoga classes as well as taught many Reiki students this incredible energy healing art.
I met my beloved at the most synchronistic of ceremonies,five months later we were pregnant with my son.
He moved to Liverpool and the rest, as they say, is his (or should it be her?) story.
Well no, that isn’t quite true. Through our conscious relationship we have never stopped delving, opening, releasing, supporting, breaking apart, healing and learning. This is a warriors path.
Becoming a Mother completely turned things on it’s head. Everything I thought I knew and had learnt began to be tested and the gnosis spiralled ever deeper. This is not the space to go into the craziness that surrounded his birth but again the ever unfolding rose petals took me further into the womb void…
Ten months had passed of being a Mum to this crystal star child who radiated light and filled my heart like I never believed possible. There seemed to be a new sense of normal, until to my absolute surprise, and quite a lot of trepidation, I was pregnant again, this time with my daughter.
Again many lessons from her (this time most beautiful, natural- home) birth and then our ever deepening but truly testing relationship.
I have and still offer my service work to the world. I have worked for a homeless charity providing well-being seasons for over five years, self confidence course for the NHS as well as providing public yoga classes, Reiki courses, Divine Feminine teachings, ceremonial spaces and retreats.
I feel like a new sense of myself is emerging. Deeply routed to the Earth, grounded and secure in my unconditional love, open and active in my heart centre, honouring my womb space and connected above with a clear channel.
I am so grateful to all those who have and continue to support me through all of my journey. You know who you are and I would not be where I am without you. 🙏🏽
I am also so very excited to meet the next eight years with my powerful Queen crowned and honoured, shoulders back and heart vulnerable to meet all that comes my way. 🌹🌹🌹
Photos: In devotional love to this gibbon who jumped on our boat during a trip down the Amazon river, meditating at Macchu Picchu 2012.
Offering an online healing women’s circle and snuggling my divine angel babies, once more in devotional love for my Blessed life. Blessed Be.