
Conscious Calling
2 min readJan 14, 2018


H’oponopono is an ancient technique from Hawaii. It is a healing mantra that is said. It was originally used in family disputes as a mediation technique where all family members would say the words to each other- dissolving their emotional issues in the process.

Dr. Len- a Hawaiian therapist is said to have cured a whole ward of criminally insane patients (without ever meeting them) using this technique.

He would be working on himself whilst looking through records of the patients and repeating the words:

“I Love you

I’m Sorry

Please Forgive me

Thank you”

“Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life — simply because it is in your life — is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.”

In my own healing journey I have used this incredibly simple (so simple it almost seems too good to be true) yet profound technique a lot and it is now such an invaluable tool.

I first came across it in 2011 at a workshop in Wigan at a beautiful vegan cafe called The Coven (check out their website http://thecovencafe.weebly.com/). Although the information must have gone in at that point I don’t think I consciously used it in my healing journey for some time.

Now, however it seems a weekly, if not daily practice. In many healing reiki sessions with clients it comes through- asking them to recite either out loud or silently whilst I have my hands on them, to really assist with their releasing what no longer serves.

In the most powerful ceremony I have ever attended, and I have been to a lot, whilst going through a very dark process- my whole body was shaking and I was begging the healers who were there to assist for help. When one incredible woman came over and very quickly calmed me down just with her Divine Feminine presence- overflowing with soft unconditional love. She asked me to stand up and start dancing with her, moving the energy out of my system



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