Beautiful artwork ‘Goddess and Greenman’ by Josephine Wall

Beltane Blessings

Conscious Calling
5 min readApr 29, 2020

Greetings at this time where we’re moving into the energies of the ancient festival of Beltane. It lies in between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice on the Celtic wheel of the year. This time is about fertility and celebration. The nature is green and lush and the fruits are starting to bare. It is a time of reunion. Of marriage. This is a time for inner marriage, the sacred union of the inner Divine Masculine and inner Divine Feminine.

This festival is still very much alive and still celebrated in the UK as May day and May Pole dancing competitions that happen all over.

The Green Man and the Earth Goddess come together to unite creating even more fertility for us to grow our intentions. The energy of fire (Beltane meaning ‘bright fire’) is potent and for centuries fire festivals would have been held to celebrate the fertility of the land. “On May Eve the sexuality of life and the earth is at its peak. Abundant fertility, on all levels, is the central theme. The Maiden Goddess has reached her fullness. She is the manifestation of growth and renewal, Flora, the Goddess of Spring, the May Queen, the May Bride. The Young Oak King, as Jack-In-The-Green, as the Green Man, falls in love with her and wins her hand. The union is consummated and the May Queen becomes pregnant. Together the May Queen and the May King are symbols of the Sacred Marriage (or Heiros Gamos), the union of Earth and Sky, and this union has merrily been re-enacted by humans throughout the centuries. For this is the night of the Greenwood Marriage. It is about sexuality and sensuality, passion, vitality and joy. And about conception. A brilliant moment in the Wheel of the Year to bring ideas, hopes and dreams into action.” extract taken from:

That being said this time of year may be a little different to past ones where we would have gathered and shared good times since we are in social isolation. We can, however, still tune into the energies of this time All of the cross-quarter festivals of the Celtic Wheel of are celebrated, all be it in different ways, in many places around the world, especially where indigenous cultures still remain and their knowledge of the cycles of nature is still respected and in tact. The festivals are great marker points to follow during the year, connecting us to the truer cycles of nature around us, taking us out of the Roman Gregorian calendar which displaces the moon cycles and therefore the natural laws. A perfect time to pause and take stock. Feeling gratitude and giving thanks for all that you have whilst tuning in to what may want to drop out of your life and what you would like to focus on manifesting and calling in.

Beltane Ritual

This is a great time to set intentions for the year to come. If there’s something that you want that you don’t currently have in your life now is the time to ask for it!

To start manifesting what it is you desire you must get still and quiet. Find a way to get into a meditative state, even if just taking a few long deep breaths. When you feel centred I suggest taking stock of your life and recognising all the blessings you already have.

After listing the things you are grateful for, try to actually FEEL this gratitude. Let it fill your heart and give you a warm, fuzzy feeling. You could focus on something or someone that you love to help fill up your heart. By practising gratitude we send signals into the Universe that by the Law of Attraction mean we’re going to attract things of equal or better frequency.

What do you want to see in this next cycle for you, your loved ones, your larger community and the glorious planet Earth we reside upon??
Write them down and meditate upon these things allowing yourself to envision, imagine, feel or just know that these things are happening already. All the while giving gratitude and feeling acceptance for all you currently have.

Use the element of fire. If you are able to actually have a safe fire outside then go ahead. If not a candle will be just as good. Hold the candle or wood you’re going to burn and breathe your prayers and intentions into it. Light the fire or candle with a clear and strong intention to connect to the spirit of Beltane potency which will amplify your prayers.

Now, get a piece of paper and write your name in the middle to make a spider diagram. You are going to write all the things you would like in your life, that you don’t currently have, around your name. For example, better communication, more fulfilling relationships, abundance, dream career, perfect partner, more aligned home life etc. Put as many down as you want.

Trust that the Universe will assist you in gaining what you desire, add as much energy to the intention (for example drawing a picture or creating a vision board which go the extra mile by adding creative energy to the mix) then TRUST and BELIEVE it’s all coming and LET IT GO, surrendering it to the greatest good. You can place it on your altar and/or add some crystals should you wish. Enjoy the process unfolding as the magick shows up in your life…

For a guided process into your inner world utilising the Beltane energies please feel free to enjoy my Beltane Meditation.

