A change in season- Autumn Equinox

Conscious Calling
2 min readSep 20, 2019


Autumn Equinox Blessings.

Sending Love at this potent time as the wheel of the year continues in it’s ever- moving cycle.

Autumn Equinox is about letting go. Watching the leaves on the trees and taking note to how they effortlessly release and go with the flow of nature.

We are starting to go into the more reflective and recharging half of the year. Bringing more outward activities back home to ourselves.

It is time to create more space to start this process by letting go and knowing what your energy is worth and what it is you want to invest that precious energy in.

If you haven’t already it is a great time to take stock of the year so far- how it has been for you, lessons learnt, memories you want to keep in your heart for reflection, achievements and things you are grateful for.

From this aware space you can then look at what you want to bring in for the rest of the year and beyond. What are you ready to release that no longer serves you? What would you love to happen in your life? What desires are burning to be created through you? What habits would you like to form? What qualities would you like to nurture?

I would like to offer you this Autumn Equinox Meditation to help you tune in to this change in season and walk into the next phase of your journey feeling clear and focused.




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